MMS Setup PinPhone 3GS


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New Member
Conelzap, I have change to default and request for the settings and still was not prompted to save.

Just wondering, I alot of chinese profiles on the MMS settins view, but cannot delete these profiles, maybe they are affecting save the settings from my provider. I have noticed that 3 of the settings have my provider settings in them


New Member
The messages are sent but I am not prompted to save.

there is no option to edit these preinstalled profiles, the only option when selected is view, which shows my provider settings but with the preinstalled chinese profile - example - FET MMS, CHT MMS, Taiwan Mobile MMS etc

PS: In the Engineer mode, what version of MMS is your phone set to?
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If everything fails, you need to setup a data account and a MMS account manually. Start with the data account, then the mms account.

Here are some pictures how that looks like with MY provider.

Make sure to click on the "HTTP" in the MMS Profile to enter the Proxy address and port, this is quite often forgotten.



From the "Safari" icon. You list there is probably a little shorter that's because I have the V1.1.3 firmware on my phone.


New Member
OK, now I understand why you are been prompted to save, cos you have FW 1.1.3, whereas am on 1.1.2. I will update once I a get a flash cable.

I already have these settings there though but will go through all and see if there is a typo.

I do really appreciate all your help, in getting me up and running.


I had the V1.1.2 on my phone before, there was absolutely no difference in receiving the settings :)

Just make sure you have absolutely EVERY information from your provider entered somewhere and also make sure that the your mms account is activated.

Good luck :)


New Member
I have checked and checked and entered all settings from my provider both the proxy but still no joy. could it be a hardware issue, that the phone is unable to send or receive mms. I have searched for all information regarding this china iphone but not working for me.

When you say "make sure that the your mms account is activated." are you refereing from my provider or within the phone itself, cos I activated the profile after entering the settings.

Is it possible to delete every profile settings on this phone, so i can start fresh?
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When you say "make sure that the your mms account is activated."
I ment in the phone. You did a factory reset already, that's the best you can do. If there are still some settings left, all you can do is to erase them "by hand".

If you want, you can do a hardware reset but I doubt it'll do any good:

I still don't have the slightest clue why your phone won't just accept the settings being send to you? :(


New Member
Cheers Conelzap, you have done all best to resolve this issue. I am really confused as to why am not seeing the option to install the service settings. All I see a a dialog 'New message' just like the usual sms but message not listed any were. well thanks man. just feel like bricking this dam thing :kez:


Maybe once you have a flash cable and a different firmware on it, this won't be a problem at all?!? Who knows :)

Don't brick your poor phone :hahaha:


New Member
Conelzap, please do drop a line if you think of any other thing to do, just want to soft out this mms failed to send message error


kurz vorm Fenstersprung

Hallo Leute,

ich bin schier am verzweifeln. Ich habe ein pinphone 3GS+. Habe mir eine neue Software (früherer Beitrag), friendly supported from Rumpelstilzchen, aufgespielt, alles gut.

Jetzt mein Problem: Ich versuche meine MMS Einstellungen zu machen, automatisch über base, das einzige, was ich erhalte ist der Hinweis, daß man mir eine Konfigrations-SMS senden wird, die ich aber nie erhalte. Versuche ich die Konfiguration über den Link, den Colonel Zap hier gepostet hat, dann erhalte ich gar nichts.

Kann ich irgendwo im pinphone die Konten für mms selbst und manuell einrichten, denn allmählich habe ich das Gefühl, daß ich nicht mehr weiß, was ich sonst tun soll.

Danke für Euren Support.

didi :[

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